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2013全球百大英俊男士 你的男钢轨知识神上榜了吗?
作者:天津广智钢铁    来源:www.1111www.com    点击数:   更新时间:2014年01月25 【字体: 】 

近日,美国电影评论网站TC candler公布了“2013年全球百大英俊男士”名单。曾出演《X战警》、《无耻混蛋》的“法鲨”迈克尔·法斯宾德帅气登顶,皮特、休叔、小李子、锤哥、小贝、阿汤哥、德普、金城武、高以翔和王力宏等众男神也悉数在列。快来看看你的男神有没有上榜吧!

  For 25 years, The Independent Critics have published a List of the 100 Most Beautiful Faces of each year. The lists have been published, in various formats, every year since 1990... and in recent years have been seen by over to 40 million unique visitors from around the world。在过去的25年中,“独立评论家”网站每年都会发布当年的“全球百大最美脸蛋”的榜单。这份榜单自1990年开始,以不同的形式每年向全世界公布。近年来榜单的关注度已跃升至4000万人次。

  Now, for the first time, after tens of thousands of requests, The Independent Critics are listing the 100 Most Handsome Faces of the Year。而今年则是“独立评论家”第一次在千万民众的呼求下出了这么一份“全球钢轨知识最帅俊脸百强榜”。

  Unlike many other annual publications, The Independent Critics List is not a popularity contest. It is not about the sexiest or the most famous. Rather, it aims to be a very international list and one that is inclusive of many cultures, lifestyles, professions and degrees of fame. 不同于其钢轨知识他的年度发布榜单,这份“全球最帅俊脸百强榜”并不是一项受欢迎程度的比拼,而是一份国际性的榜单,它考虑到文化、生活方式、职业以及知名度。所上榜的并不一定是最性感或者最出名的。

  This list searches far and wide, listening to the millions of suggestions submitted every year, and tries to put together a list representative of the modern ideal of aesthetic beauty。这份榜单涉及的地区相当广泛。在制作时,该网站也听取了上百万注册用户的建议,并尝试去做出这样一份体现当代审美观的榜单。

·[钢轨知识]2013全球百大英俊男士 你的男钢轨知识神
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